Nowadays most of the people decided to get started with an online business, as there are a lot of advantages in doing business through the internet than in a traditional way. Web Hosting service is one of the necessities in getting your own website visible through the internet. It’s not just hosting the website on the internet, it matters a lot. It is most important to choose a reliable hosting provider because your websites uptime, speed, and security depend on the hosting provider.
Major Issues with Worst Web Hosting Companies
If you choose an unreliable web hosting providers, you will be facing the following issues.
- Unreliable Support
- Slow Page Loads
- Downtime
- Lack of Security
Slow Page Loads
Page speed would impact your website ranking. On average, a page load for e-commerce websites takes 7 Seconds and ideal load time is 3 seconds or less. Nowadays, people have very little patience for slow loading pages. Even a few seconds of delay leads to losing the visitors. Just think it, if you have visited a website and that loads very slow you won’t stick for a long time. The major reason for slow loading speed is that a single server is shared by many websites. The quality web hosting companies knew the limit to host the sites in a single server which doesn’t affect the performance of your website, whilst worst hosting providers will host too many websites in a server. So the bandwidth is spread too thin and causes performance issues.
Website Offline
Slow page loads obviously cause for concern, the users can visit your website as it will be still online. Your website should be live 24/7 because people can wish to visit your website at any time. But with worst web hosting, you may face downtime. This is because, if your site traffic increases the server can’t handle heavy traffic. Web Server should be reliable and run all the time. If not, it creates a negative impact on your business. Search Engines will notice if your website went down and it won’t cause anything if it is only an occasional occurrence. But it happens frequently it affects search engine ranking.
Unreliable Support
Regardless of the kind of web hosting service you are using, it is crucial that you receive adequate customer service. Various problems can occur which make your web hosting experience a miserable one. At any end, you may need to contact your hosting support team to resolve the problems immediately. Without efficient customer support, you may wind up encountering a problem that could cause financial loss to your online business.
Lack of Security
For an online business, security is very much important for your website. Because you need to enter your personal details for the transaction to make purchasing. Web Hosting service plays a vital role in the maintenance and security of your website. In worst hosting service, they will provide you inadequate protection for your website. They were unable to protect your data from getting hacked or identifying theft possibilities. Common Vulnerabilities –
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