
StumbleUpon is an advertisement or discovery engine, it’s also like a search engine which recommends the popular web content to its users. StumbleUpon allows the users to discover web pages, videos, photos which are personalized based on their tastes and also users can rate them. In the past, toolbar version of the StumbleUpon exists in the browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer. Safari, etc. StumbleUpon Is No More - It Shuts Down After 16 Years

StumbleUpon is Shutting Down After 16 Years:

StumbleUpon was launched way back in 2002, before the entry of Facebook and Twitter. Content delivery engine StumbleUpon is shutting down from June 30. After 16 years they have planned to shut down the StumbleUpon. In the current date, StumbleUpon contains around 60 billion stumbles made by the 40 million users. Stumbleupon is moving to new platform called Mix

StumbleUpon is moving to

After 16 years of online reputation, StumbleUpon has decided to move all its users to the new platform called By using the new platform you can share anything on the internet that you found best like articles, music, pictures, videos, etc. From anywhere on the internet you can just add it to Mix very easily. By using Mix, you can go deeper into the topics and can discover many new things based on your interest. Starting from the June 30, all the existing user’s accounts will be moved on to the new platform called, Cofounder Garrett Camp has also added that the new platform will make the users to engage more with the content on which they are interested. Garrett also said that users can curate any content from anywhere which they love using StumbleUpon Is No More - It Shuts Down After 16 long Years Thus as a publisher or blogger who is using the StumbleUpon platform for the content discovery, Now its time for you to shift yourself to the new platform called, It’s time for you to unwrap the new features of the