What is GDPR Compliance?
The GDPR called as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in Europen Union (EU) law, this it purely based on the user data protection and the privacy for the individuals. This law will rely for all the users within the European Union (EU) and also the European Economic Area (EEA). The GDPR act was initially introduced in the year 2012 for the user data protection, This is introduced similar to the Data Protection Act which is passed on the year 1995.
GDPR Implementation on Websites:
Many online sites started collecting the user’s data for many purposes. According to GDPR personal data is anything that is related to the person like name, phone numbers, photos, mail id’s, etc. GDPR Compliance in the website will give a clear idea to the users about that where their data is going to be used by the business people’s.
Does GDPR Pop-ups effect SEO?
Implementing the GDPR on the websites will display the small pop up either on top or bottom of the website when the user visits the site for the first time. When John Mueller from Google talked about this, he said that the pop-ups on the sites should not provide any inconvenience to the users. Also, he said that it should not hide the actual content on the website. In the Webmaster Hangout session, he stated this (Checkout at 38:00 min in the below video). He also told that to make the content to be more visible to the Google Bot.