Splay tree in c++

  Splay tree in c++ #include <iostream.h> #include “SplayTree.h” /** * Construct the tree. */ template <class Comparable> SplayTree<Comparable>::SplayTree( const Comparable & notFound ) : ITEM_NOT_FOUND( notFound ) { nullNode =...

Red black Tree in c++

Red black Tree in c++Red black tree in c++ are an evolution of binary search trees that aim to keep the tree balanced without affecting the complexity of the primitive operations. It is done by colouring each node in the tree with either red or black and preserving a...
B tree in c++

B tree in c++

B tree in c++ A B tree in c++ is a specialized multiway tree designed especially for use on disk. In a B-tree, each node may contain a large no. of keys. The no. of subtrees of each node, then, may also be large. A B tree in c++ is designed to branch out in this large...

Avl tree in c++

Avl tree in c++ AVL Tree Notion An AVL Tree in c++ is a Binary Search Tree (BST), the keys of which meet standard requirements: a key of any tree node is not less than the key in the left subtree of the given node and not more than any key in the right subtree of this...

File handling concepts in c++

File handling concepts in c++ Here we explain about File handling concepts in c++.We have been using the iostream standard library, which provides cin and cout methods for reading from standard input and writing to standard output respectively. This tutorial will...

consumerism and waste products

consumerism and waste products Evolution of Consumerism: The idea of ‘consumerism’ was first conceived in USA around the beginning of this century. Its evolution can be studied in three distinct phases as follows: 1. Around 1900: The business firms dealing in meat...