Internet programming important questions
- How java is platform independent?
- Differentiate a vector and an array in Java.
- How to create two-dimensional array in Java
- Is there any error in the given Java Statement?
char [] string = “abcdef”; - Write down the fundamentals of Exception handling.
- Define Multithreaded Programming.
- What are the two ways for creating a Thread?
- What is static in Java? Give its uses.
- Mention the purpose of the keyword “final”.
- Can an abstract class in Java be instantiated? Give the reason.
- What is the difference between constructor and a method?
- What is the difference between method overloading and overriding?
- How do you define an interface?
- What is finalize() and Garbage Collection?
- How does a radio button in java differ from a check box?
- Why do you need run () and start () method both.
- What is a Stream? Which class allows you to read objects directly from a stream?
- What is Polymorphism in Java? Explain how Polymorphism is supported in Java?
- Mention the subclasses of the AWT Event class.
- Code a Graphics method in Java to draw the String “Hello World” from the coordinates (100,200).
- Explain the features and structure of Java Program.
- Explain about Inheritance and Interfaces in Java.
- Show how compile- time and run- time polymorphism are achieved in Java? Explain with examples.
- Explain about Packages and Abstract classes in Java.
- How to create own packages in Java?
- Explain about Applet Lifecycle? How Applets are prepared and executed?
- List and discuss the role of String and String Buffer classes used in Java.
- What are the different input and output streams and their classes? Explain with Examples?
- Discuss about Exception handling in Java with suitable examples.
- Discuss the different models of Threads and their states.
- Design and Write a Java Program using Applets.
- Define URL. Write the different parts of URL.
- State the use of web server logs and list the contents of a message log.
- List the different basic protocols used in internet.
- State the uses of Internet Protocol.
- Explain why HTTP is called a stateless protocol?
- State the difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
- How XHTML is more advantages than HTML? Specify.
- List and explain any two HTML elements.
- Give the core syntax of CSS. Mention the need and types of CSS?
- How external style sheets is useful in webpage design?
- Write a HTML Code to display an image?
- List the ways of positioning an element within a browser window.
- Write a HTML code to create the following table
w X
y Z - What is a response status line?
- What is MIME? List its content types.
- How Cell Padding is differ from Cell Spacing.
- How you define href,target and name Attributes?
- What do you understand about DOCTYPE in HTML?
- How you use Form’s Action Attribute and Submit Button in HTML?
- How to use Line Break and Horizontal Line tags in HTML?
- Explain in detail the working of the following Internet Protocols TCP/IP and HTTP.
- Discuss about the client/server strategies in Internet.
- Give the structure of HTTP request and response message.
- Difference between websites and web server.
- List and Explain HTML elements and intrinsic attributes in detail.
- Explain the significance of XHTML with a help of a real time application. Write necessary code snippets.
- List and explain in detail the various selector strings.
- Explain the CSS box model in detail.
- How do you create frames? Why do you need them? Develop an application to explain the same.
- Develop an interactive web page for student registration using HTML form elements.
- Write the JavaScript code to print “Good Day” using IF-ELSE condition.
- What is a scriplet?
- What are server side and client side programming?
- What is the difference between static and dynamic HTML?
- How an array creation in Java script with example.
- List the different methods defined in document and window object of JavaScript.
- Write code to return the full URL of a document.
- How local and global functions can be written using java script.
- What is mean by intrinsic event handling?
- Explain in brief the interaction between a web server and a Servlet.
- What is the difference between GET and POST methods?
- What is Servlet Container? Specify its functions.
- What are the two methods used to send a request to a server?
- List life cycle methods of a servlet.
- List the types of directives in JSP.
- Give the advantages of using JSP for server side programming.
- What is the purpose of cookies?
- Write two differences between JSP and servlet.
- Define JDBC and its role.
- List JSP tag libraries.
- How elaborate the language history of JavaScript and its versions?
- Describe the data types, functions and objects used in JavaScript with an example.
- Explain the way in which java script handles arrays with example?
- Elaborate the DOM history and intrinsic levels in event handling – modifying element style.
- Write the code for converting currencies to US dollar using Java Servlet..
- Explain in detail about the HTTPServlet class and its interface?
- Explain with the help of examples a) Cookies b) URL rewriting.
- Briefly discuss database connectivity with servlet to display student marks.
- Describe the basic Java Bean classes and JSP tag libraries.
- Illustrate the standard actions and directive in JSP with suitable examples.
- What is Variable? How variables are declared in PHP?
- What is PhP? List the features of PhP.
- List possible data types available in PHP.
- How comments are made in PHP.
- How singly quoted string and doubly quoted string differs.
- Differentiate echo() and print() function.
- What do you mean by expression? Give examples.
- What do you mean by QueryString in PhP?
- What does XSLT mean? Give its data model.
- What is meant by a XML namespace?
- List the XML syntax rules.
- How a XML document can be displayed on a browser.
- What is a XPATH? List the advantages of XPATH.
- What is the purpose of XML Schema?
- List the data type’s representation in XML Schema.
- When the Namespace is called in XML. Why?
- What is RSS? List the purpose of RSS.
- What is ATOM in RSS?
- How RSS is more important than email. Comment.
- List the steps to get your RSS file up on the web.
- List and explain PhP development framework.
- Briefly discuss database connectivity with PhP with suitable examples.
- How strings are declared in PHP? Explain string operator.
- How array is declared in PHP. Also explain various types of array with proper examples.
- Explain regular expression. Also explain regx with example
- Explain following functions with examples
1)Current() 2)next() 3)prev() 4)end() 5)reset()6)key() 7) print_r() - Explain the role XML name spaces with an example.
- Briefly explain the importance of Document Object Model?
- Explain the features of XML path language.
- Explain in detail the XML schema, built in and user defined data type in detail.
- Compare DOM and SAX in XML Processing
- How is XML parsing done with SAX
- How AJAX works?
- Define XML DOM.
- What is XMLHttpRequest Object? List common XMLHttpRequest Object Properties.
- What is service end point interface in RPC?
- Specify how UDDI is utilized in web service.
- What is meant by WSDL? State its uses.
- List some examples of web services.
- What is SOAP? Define the need of SOAP. Sketch the Structure of SOAP.
- List the basic concepts behind JAX-RPC technology.
- What is UDDI?
- Give an example of a web services registry and its functions.
- Why do you want to describe a web service?
- List out data types that are available in Web-Service.
- Define Complex types.
- Write the steps for Empty Element.
- Differentiate between SOAP and HTTP.
- Why do Web services need enhanced security?
- What is Indicators? List out the types of Indicators.
- Discuss AJAX architecture and compare it with DOM and SAX .
- Explain about the object that helps AJAX reload parts of a web page without reloading the whole page.
- Discuss the various aspects of JAX –RPC.
- Describe the significance and working of WSDL with an example.
- Create a web service in java environment to return the sum of two integers with necessary deployment procedure.
- Explain the SOAP elements in detail.
- Briefly discuss how SOAP encodes struct data and arrays.
- Explain the creation of a java web service in detail with examples.
- Illustrate the principles of WSDL, XML and SOAP and their interaction between them in we service applications.
- Explain in detail about complex types in web services