hazards in computer architecture
Instruction Hazards
Scoreboards are designed to control the flow of data between registers and multiple arithmetic units in the presence of conflicts caused by hardware resource limitations (structural hazards) and by dependencies between instructions (data hazards). Data hazards can be classified as flow dependencies (Read-After-Write), output dependencies (Write-After-Write) and anti-dependencies(Write-After-Read).
Read-After-Write (RAW) Hazards
A Read-After-Write hazard occurs when an instruction requires the the result of a previously issued, but as yet uncompleted instruction. In the RAW example shown in the figure, the second instruction requires the value in R6 which has not yet been produced by the first instruction.
Write-After-Write (WAW) Hazards
A Write-After-Write hazard occurs when an instruction tries to write its result to the same register as a previously issued, but as yet uncompleted instruction. In the WAW example shown in the figure, both instructions write their results to R6. Although this latter example is unlikely to arise in normal programming practice, it must nevertheless give the correct result. Without proper interlocks the add operation would complete first and the result in R6 would then be overwritten by that of the multiplication.
Write-After-Read (WAR) Hazards
A Write-After-Read hazard occurs when an instruction tries to write to a register which has not yet been read by a previously issued, but as yet uncompleted instruction. This hazard cannot occur in most systems, but could occur in the CDC 6600 because of the way instructions were issued to the arithmetic units. The WAR example shown in the figure is based on the CDC 6600, in which floating-point values were held in X registers.
The WAR hazard here is on register X4 in the third instruction. It arises because instructions which are held up by a RAW hazard are nevertheless issued to their arithmetic unit, where they wait for their operands. Thus the second instruction can be issued immediately after the first, but it is held up in the add unit waiting for its operands because of the WAR hazard on X3 which cannot be read until the divide unit completes its operation. The third instruction can likewise be issued immediately after the second and it can start its operation. The floating-point add operation completes in very much less time than division, however, and the add unit is therefore ready to store its result in X4 before the multiply unit has read the current value in X4. Thus there has to be an interlock between the multiply and add instructions to prevent the add instruction from writing to X4 before the multiply instruction has read its current value.
Structural Hazards
Structural hazards occur when two or more instructions try to access the same hardware resource (e.g. two instructions try to write their results to registers in the same clock period). This would occur, for example, if an instruction were to be issued to an arithmetic unit which takes three clocks periods to execute its operation in the clock period immediately following the issue of a previous instruction to a different arithmetic unit which takes four clock periods to execute.